Korean-American Youth Identity and 9/11: An Examination of Korean-American Ethnic Identity in Post-9/11 America by Heerak Christian Kim is a very important book in understand the identity and ethos of Korean-American youths in America in the context of developing Korean-American communities in the United States of America and in light of the historical event and experience of 9/11. This book is an expansion of the academic paper presented at McGill University in Canada on 9/11 and World Religions.
by Heerak Christian Kim
The Origin of the Roman Catholic Church in Korea by Jai-Keun Choi is a scholarly examination of the history of Roman Catholicism in Korea and contains ample historical documentation. Jai-Keun Choi is Professor Emeritus of Yonsei University in South Korea, which is one of the leading research universities in South Korea. Professor holds a master's degree from Yale University and Ph.D. from Harvard University. Professor Choi has researched couple decades for this book, which represents the authoritative history on the subject.
Rev. Sang-Dong Han: The Founder of the Presbyterian Church in Korea (Koshin): A Biography by Rev. Koon Sik Shim is a very important book on the history of Christianity in Korea. This authorized biography on Rev. Sang-Don Han is grounded in Korean history, which experienced Japanese Colonialism of Korea from1910-1945 and reveals the socio-cultural experience of Koreans under Japanese Occupation, when Korean Christians were persecuted by the official governing body of the country. This is a must read for those interested in Korean history.
by Jai-Keun Choi
I Am A Big Thai Prostitute: A Humorous Confession by Phlap Apirak is a light-hearted humorous piece of writing that is meant to offer some thoughts on identity and cultural trends existing in the world. Humorous self-evaluation and cutural critique have been conducted by many people throughout history, in the form of satire, irony, and sarcasm, which are authentic literary devices used in writing. This book offers insights. Readers can laught at what is written but will also think seriously about some of the discussions in the book. This book can be a good way to jump start conservations with friends and coworkers about sensitive issues.
Second Decade of the Korean Presbyterian Church in America, 1985-2006 by Korean Presbyterian Church in America (a Christian denomination in the USA) is a very important original source book, written in the Korean language. By in large, Korean churches throughout the United States of America conduct worship services in the Korean language. Business and historical recording are also done at the official levels in the Korean language. In fact, most Korean churches perceive preservation of Korean language and Korean culture as important secondary mission of Korean-American churches and work to preserve Korean micro-culture in America.
Friendly Advice for the Future of China: Suggestions for Political, Educational, and Economic Reforms to Survive 21st Century Global Competition by Otto Tien-Pok Xing is a very important book in Chinese studies. There is evidence to confirm that the Chinese government is implementing suggestions proposed in this book. You can read this book and see for yourself. China is quickly becoming the dominant global superpower because it is making strategic and wise decisions toward that goal. Read this book to see if areas of improvement for China are being improved in an efficient and timely manner.
by Phlap Apirak
Missions Strateges of Korean Presbyterian Missionaries in Central and Southern Philippines by Rev. Hoo-Soo Jose Nam is a very important book on the history of the Presbyterian Church in the Philippines. Rev. Hoo-Soo Jose Nam was instrumental in founding the Presbyterian Church of the Philippines and Cebu Bible College to train Presbyterian clergy for the Philippines. This book represents evidence-based research by a scholar-practitioner who played an important part in the growth of the Presbyterian Church in the Philippines. Rev. Hoo-Soo Jose Nam serviced as the President of Cebu Bible College in the Philippines for many years.
Korean Methodist Church in Australia and New Zealand, edited by Rev. Yong-Sun Yang, is a collection of factual writings by Korean methodist clergy in Australia and New Zealand, detailing the historical and immigration experiences of Korean Methodists in Australia and New Zealand. Many Korean Methodists attend Korean Methodist Church in Australia and New Zealand as they tend also to be Korean cultural and community centers for Korean immigrants. This book is very important for understanding the history of Korean Methodist Church in Australia and New Zealand. This book is also an invaluable source for the history of Korean immigration in Australia and New Zealand.
Korean-American Experience in the United States: Initial Thoughts is an important introductory book for understanding Korean-Americans in the United States of America. Even those with Korean-American friends often lack knowledge about Korean-American culture or experience. This book can help to correct that ignorance. To understand a different culture, one needs to learn about it. This book can help you navigate through the complexities of Korean ethnic experience in the USA. This book is great for educators, clergy, community leaders, politicians, teachers, professors, neighbors, coworkers, and policy makers who work with Korean-Americans.
by Korean Presbyterian Church in America (in Korean language)
by Koon Sik Shim
by Otto Tien-Pok Xing
by Hoo-Soo Jose Nam
Edited by Yong-Sun Yang
by Christian Kim
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