by Heerak Christian Kim
Nuzi, Women's Rights and Hurrian Ethnicity by Heerak Christian Kim examines the ancient influences on Israel and the Jewish people. Those who are interested in understanding the socio-cultural milieu that impacted ancient Israelites in their formative and early years of Israelite cultural development will want to read this book to gain undersanding. Serious study of ancient Israel can yield a lot of fruits in terms of knowledge and understanding. History is about cause-and-effect, so it is impossible to truly understand a people without studying their past and how that past impacted them.
Why I Left Judaism: A Candid and Humorous Look by Esther Elisheva Steinberg is a frank and honest testimonal done with a sense of humor about why the author left Judaism. There are many Jews around the world who choose to become a Christian, Buddhist ("Jew-Bu's"), Muslim, or Atheist. Many Jews stop observing the kosher and Shabbat rules traditionally required by Judaism. Young Jews are becoming secular and even protesting against "apartheid Israel", which they see as an important part of their social justice fight. This book illuminates on this socio-psychological phenomena.
Are English Jews Responsible for 9/11? An Examination of the History, Problems, and Causes by Devdas Pradesh is insightful in exploring the question whether English Jews contributed to a historical reality in which 9/11 could occur in the United States of America. Historical events never happen in a vacuum and are products of cause-and-effect that has led to them. What are the historical causality that led to 9/11 in America? Can the same or similar causalities lead to similar catastrophic events in future history? This book will certainly make you think and bring good discussions.
Jewish Law and Identity provides insight into the Jewish Law and the Covenant that God made with Abraham. What the Jews call "The Torah" contains not only the Ten Commandments but many of civl law codes and moral ethics that have guided Western Civilization for thousands of years. What is the significant implications of the Jewish Law for Jewish individual self-perception and group identity throughout history? This book will answer many questions that you may be asking about the Jewish Law and Jewish identity.
Psalms of Solomon: A New Translation and Introduction by Heerak Christian Kim provides the most up-to-date translation of a Jewish literary work from around 2,000 years ago. Scholars have been reading, researching, and writing about this ancient Jewish text for centuries. This ancient Jewish literature provides a very important key to understanding what happened in Israel in the decades leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ and can shed light on why the Jewish priests of the Jerusalem Temple in Israel rejected Jesus Christ and tried him for blasphemy in the Sanhedrin.
Hebrew, Jewish, and Early Christian Studies by Heerak Christian Kim provides valuable insights into Jewish history and literature and how they relate to Christian history and identity. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and is considered the primary religious sacred text for Judaism. Both Christianity and Islam consider the Old Testament as inspired Word of God that is still applicable, today. What kind of impact did the Old Testament have on Jewish identity? What impact did it have on the way Christianity developed throughout the centuries?
by Devdas Pradesh
Why Saying Jesus Is A Jew Hurts Jews by Nicholas Irish is an insightful book for those who have not thought about the subject before. Some think that saying that Jesus is a Jew helps Jews because it provides a shared identity or empathy. This book debunks that thesis and argues that saying that Jesus is a Jew hurts Jews. For anyone interested in this subject as a matter of history or intellectual curiosity, this book is a must. Find out for yourself if the arguments in this book make sense to you. What was your opinion before reading the book? Did your opinion change after reading the book?
by Nicholas Irish
by Esther Elisheva Steinberg
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